(a)  Each LEC shall be the universal services provider in the area in which it is certificated to operate on July 1, 1995, unless otherwise determined by the Commission in further interim or permanent rules.

(b)  The Commission will establish a Universal Service Fund, designate a permanent universal service provider for each service area, and determine applicable payment mechanisms in compliance with G.S. 62-110(f1).  Any CLP offering telecommunications services in North Carolina will be required to participate in such fund.

(c)  To the extent required, the establishment of the Universal Service Fund shall first require the evaluation of the definition of basic local exchange telephone services and the calculation of the subsidy required to support those basic local exchange telephone services which the Commission may decide are appropriate.

(NCUC Docket No. P-100, SUB 133, 7/19/95; 2/23/96; 9/21/00.)